Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Secret to Limitless Power in Your Life
The Secret to Unleashing The Infinite, Creative, and Limitless Power of Spirit In Your Life
Author:David Wilcox
What would you say if I told you that within you lies an infinite, creative, and limitless power? What would you do if you knew that you could easily access this power through focused meditation, the use of affirmations and denials, and living a life of service and charity? And further, how do you think your life would change if you began unfolding this power in your life today?
It is by now an accepted fact of science that the human mind operates on two levels. The first level is the objective or conscious level. This level of the mind thinks, reasons, makes hypothesis, and makes choices. It is a small part of the overall human mind, the tip of the iceberg so to speak. The second level of the human mind is much larger, and usually operates in the background hidden from the musing, reasonings, and deliberations of the objective mind. This is the subconscious or unconscious mind. The subconscious is like the part of an iceberg hidden by the water. It is the largest part of the iceberg (ask the Titanic!), and operates largely unseen and in the background. It is easy to take the subconscious mind for granted for this reason, however, it is a mistake to ignore the subconscious.
The subconscious is a giant, and is extremely powerful. It operates largely on suggestion, so whatever you send to it unfiltered by the objective mind will usually end up manifesting itself at some point in your life. Thus it is extremely important to learn to control the influences, thoughts, and suggestions which bombard us on a daily basis, so that our subconscious is focused on only our good.
The conscious and subconscious minds are very powerful. However, they are still limited because they function in the material realm only. They are not infinite, and limitlessly creative. That distinction is held for the higher, or spiritual mind.
The universe we inhabit is very real. However, it is only a small reflection of the sum total of reality. The conscious and subconscious minds, as powerful as they are, are limited by our senses. However, the spiritual or higher mind transcends these limitations through inspiration, wisdom, and truth. Once we learn to access this higher mind, this inner wisdom, we truly overcome. Our lives become infinitely more powerful because spirit is an infinite power. Spirit is the foundation and driving energy of the created, material universe.
This spiritual mind, the Power of the Spirit, is the real Secret, and the Master Key to truly manifesting goodness and abundance in life. Through meditation, focused affirmations and denials, and good works we can release into our lives more good than we can imagine.
How do you contact the higher mind? By spending time, each morning and evening, entering the silence and learning to listen to its voice. By practicing affirmations and denials which strengthen and fortify your mind and heart. And by living a life of service and commitment to oneself, and one\'s neighbor.
We are more than we imagine because we have access to the infinite power of spirit. Begin practicing meditation and affirmations today and watch your life begin to change in ways you never imagined.
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About the Author
David Wilcox has taught and coached at the high school level for 18 years. He writes articles relating to his passions: meditation, spirituality, self-improvement, teaching, and coaching, drawing off his depth of personal experience and desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Visit and for information and programs designed to teach people how to meditate and unfold the Power of the Spirit in their lives.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Know the Mystery Behind the Law of Attraction
Know The Mystery Behind The Law Of Attraction And More
Some skeptics think that believing in the Law of Attraction is foolish and naive. What would be more foolish is to carry around your worries and attract more problems and worry into your life. The Law of Attraction is very clear. What you attract into your life, depends on what you emit as signals into the universe. The more you worry, the more likely the universe will throw back negative situations. If you want to attract positive reactions, this will only come from positive feelings and thoughts. This is what mind science teaches us. It is a mind game that we are all playing. The mind is the most powerful tool we own. Its supreme power supersedes all other powers. Once you start thinking more positively, you will be amazed at the positive results in your life. Your life will instantly change for the better. To learn about mind science and how the Law of Attraction plays a pivotal role in your life, visit,
You can live a healthy, happy and abundant life with the Law of Attraction working for your benefit. To experience a radical change, it is time to change the way you think and use your brain. Remember, this is not wishful thinking. For instance, if you wish for something today, it is not going to arrive at your doorstep tomorrow, Many people believe that if you think of something, you will instantly receive it like magic. The Law of Attraction is not a magic tool, it is a law! Many people suffer disappointments when they don\'t receive their wishes overnight. They revert back to their negative thinking patterns. Karma is not instantaneous. The universe will take its time to bring back what you wished for. Patience is the key; let the universe function at its own space.
The first step towards positive thinking is to remove as much negative beliefs and thoughts from your brain. We are bombarded with figures, facts and beliefs from our childhood, mostly fed to us by our parents, school, friends and family. We store this information in our brain and use them from time to time. Information if fed wrong can be destructive and harmful. For instance, if a child is constantly put down and belittled, he or she will lose their self worth and self-esteem. Even in adulthood, this person will continue to function with little confidence. They will act as if they are worthless. This will become a stumbling block for all future endeavors.
If you are such a person, it is time to put your childhood behind you and take a step towards a positive future. Allow your negative thoughts and feelings to diminish, and over time you will find that they reduce its intensity. Embrace positive thinking and emotions, and you will soon find how the universe manifests your positivity into physical reality. The Law of Attraction can work for your benefit. All you have to do is to use your mind power positively. To learn more on the Law of Attraction, visit, a site dedicated to helping people master the concept of mind science.
Article Source:
About the Author
Chadi B. Ghaith is the author of this article on metaphysics.
Chadi B. Ghaith is the author of this article on ancient greek.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How To Meditate
Try this. Close your eyes and try to quiet your mind. Do that now, for just a moment. Then return to the page.
Did you notice that quieting your mind was no easy task? Usually, when I try this, I become anxious and agitated. That happens because, without the practice of dis-identifying ourselves from thought, we believe that we are our mind, so it has ultimate sway over our attention. If you find yourself saying, "I don't think I'm my mind," guess who said that? Right, your mind!
Now try this. Close your eyes once again, and place all of your attention not on your thoughts but on the sensations you feel in your body. Perhaps you can rest your attention on the temperature of your hands or on the weight of your legs or on the tension in your face. Be careful not to observe emotions, but rather sensations.
If you notice that you're feeling sad, for example, go deeper into the inquiry, and study what sadness feels like. Pay no attention to what thoughts are associated with the sadness or to the undesirability of the emotion. Just observe where sadness resides in your body. What, in fact, is sadness? Is it tightness in your face? Heaviness in your throat? Fluttering in your belly? Whatever it is, let it be. It's entirely OK. Study it as you imagine a scientist would study it. Try to dissect it with your consciousness. Notice how long it lasts and how it dissipates, how it goes away, with no mental effort on your part.
Notice how all sensations in or on your body have this same quality. They arise, remain for a time, and then cease. Be kind to yourself. Whatever you feel is OK. In fact, think of the sensations as fuel for your consciousness. What Ram Dass calls "grist for the mill." There is no prerequisite to enlightenment. It can't happen in the future. It can only happen now. As Ram Dass says, "Be here now."
Twelve steps for a simple meditation practice:
1. Sit comfortably in an upright position with your back straight, arms comfortably in your lap.
2. Keep your eyes and your mouth closed.
3. Take three "cleansing breaths," forgetting your cares.
4. Commit to using this time for self-inquiry, not thought.
5. Focus on your breath as it enters and leaves your nostrils.
6. Don't try to change anything you notice. Accept it as it is.
7. Give yourself a brief reminder to maintain perfect awareness and perfect equanimity or acceptance throughout this process.
8. Begin to become aware of the sensations over your body. Move your attention up and down your body, uncritically noticing whatever feelings arise.
9. If you become bored, distracted, frustrated, or overwhelmed, realize that these, too, are just sensations. Observe them as you do all other sensations or thoughts.
10. Practice for at least twenty minutes. Do as much as an hour at a time. It's best to practice both in the morning and in the evening.
11. Use this same practice any time something upsetting or stressful occurs during your day. Bring your attention, as quickly as possible, into your body and away from your thoughts.
12. Remind yourself that you are not your thoughts; you are not your mind.
Because of the habit of your mind to take over, you'll believe you have to think about this. You don't.
According to the Third Zen Patriarch,
"Stop talking and thinking, and there's nothing you can't know."
I've often found it helpful, when my mind picks up a train of thought that it doesn't want to let go, to remind myself of Barry Weiss' words. "Your mind will constantly try to fool you into believing that whatever you're thinking about right now is vitally important." Don't let it fool you!
The practice of observing your sensations will lead you towards liberation. You should commit yourself to at least twenty minutes per day, simply observing your sensation, noticing when your mind tries to take over the show and draw you into a thought loop. Whenever that happens, simply smile at the current habit pattern of your mind and return your attention to your sensation. Notice how it flows and changes. Watch how what started as what some might call bad feelings will often melt into good ones. Begin to recognize how feelings you used to suppress or indulge become like clouds moving across the sky. They come, and they go.
As you practice the art of simple observation, what the Buddha called 'vipassana' meaning wisdom, a very interesting thing will begin to happen to you. As situations arise in your life which used to cause you to react negatively, you'll find yourself more and more quickly leaving behind the churning of your mind; the part that says, "This shouldn't be!" and directing your attention with curiosity and wonder at your inner sensations.
Since you're learning to experience the temporary nature of your feelings, you've nothing to fear and nothing to fix. The problem will take care of itself. In fact, if anything, you'll appreciate the opportunity to feel the emotion and get in touch with areas of your consciousness in places where you've become addicted to certain outcomes. You'll learn to laugh at yourself and have compassion for both yourself and the people or situations which generated your negativity ... all in all, a pretty remarkable benefit for a reasonably meager investment of time.
Dr. Steve Taubman is a hypnotist and physician, and the author of UnHypnosis: How to Wake Up, Start Over, and Create the Life You’re Meant to Live. His writings and teachings guide people in the use of tools of transformation, and bring esoteric spiritual principles down to earth. Learn more about UnHypnosis by visiting Article Source: |
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Beyond Hormones: The Five Elements in Love, Sex & Spirituality |
This is a wonderful article by Diana Daffner from Intimacy Retreats.
Beyond Hormones: The Five Elements in Love, Sex & Spirituality
Beyond Hormones: The Five Elements in Love, Sex & Spirituality
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Open to Inspiration - The Soul Calling
"In most of our human relationships, we spend much of our time reassuring one another that our costumes of identity are on straight."
~Ram Dass"
As usual, Ram Dass had the lasered words to define the stirred emotions within me. Last year was the year I would peel away another layer of costumes. Layers of identities I had claimed throughout my lifetime. Identities that I felt gave me value and defined my existence on the planet. Without those identities, who am I? Peeling and releasing allowed me internal space to move and shift, and I embraced it. I learned to sit in the discomfort of not knowing the next steps. I spent more time in solitude patiently waiting and listening. I re-connected with myself. I began to hear my own voice. I spent less time reassuring people. I stayed in the discomfort of that until the shifting occurred. I defined boundaries that created more space to be myself and for you to be yourself.
I learned more about boundaries and separateness with guidance from people like Jeff Brown:
"To let go of duality, we must first establish our separateness. We must first learn where we end & the other begins. As a general rule, if we're too rigid, we're over-boundaried. Imprisoned behind a wall of armor, there is no way for anything to touch us. But if we're too malleable, we're boundary-less. We're just a vessel for the world to fill. People with healthy boundaries tend to live somewhere in between.~Jeff Brown author of SoulShaping."
I began to examine all of my actions with a microscope and a telescope. Why in the chaos and discomfort of my own soul-calling, living-on-the-edge moments, do I feel the need to reassure people everything is going to be okay? Why do I have to answer them with a time frame and try to define something I do not understand myself? Why, during the labor process of my soul emerging to new heights, do I feel like I have to take care of everyone else?
I am learning what is my voice and what is your voice. I am learning to distinguish between the messy ego-based fear and the light-filled wisdom of my higher voice. And in the place of silence in between, I can see you. I can witness your pain without feeling the need to fix, reassure and change anything in this moment.
The Soul Calling is stronger. The connection is stronger. The need to know all of the answers is lessening. The Self-Love is stronger. The witnessing of another without fixing is stronger. I enter this year with more hope, love and stillness to live in the experience of the moment.
The journey continues...
~Ram Dass"
Photo by Ken Wieland
I learned more about boundaries and separateness with guidance from people like Jeff Brown:
"To let go of duality, we must first establish our separateness. We must first learn where we end & the other begins. As a general rule, if we're too rigid, we're over-boundaried. Imprisoned behind a wall of armor, there is no way for anything to touch us. But if we're too malleable, we're boundary-less. We're just a vessel for the world to fill. People with healthy boundaries tend to live somewhere in between.~Jeff Brown author of SoulShaping."
I began to examine all of my actions with a microscope and a telescope. Why in the chaos and discomfort of my own soul-calling, living-on-the-edge moments, do I feel the need to reassure people everything is going to be okay? Why do I have to answer them with a time frame and try to define something I do not understand myself? Why, during the labor process of my soul emerging to new heights, do I feel like I have to take care of everyone else?
I am learning what is my voice and what is your voice. I am learning to distinguish between the messy ego-based fear and the light-filled wisdom of my higher voice. And in the place of silence in between, I can see you. I can witness your pain without feeling the need to fix, reassure and change anything in this moment.
The Soul Calling is stronger. The connection is stronger. The need to know all of the answers is lessening. The Self-Love is stronger. The witnessing of another without fixing is stronger. I enter this year with more hope, love and stillness to live in the experience of the moment.
The journey continues...
Author: Andrea Hylen is a Grief Transformation Guide, Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a facilitator for people in the ministry program, and co-author of Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life. Her next book, Open to Inspiration: The summer a woman discovered herself with a teenage daughter and the Jonas Brothers on a 10,000 mile road trip will be published in 2011. Her greatest desire is to inspire people to live a deeper, richer life as leaders of their own lives. She is the creator of an innovative, interactive e-book club where she uses stories of her life's journey to help other people discover their own. Go to her website for more information. Article Source: |
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