Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Can I Access More?
Janelle Alex

            Last month, I wrote an article for you in regards to wanting more.  You know there is more for you or you would not be here reading this right now.  To access the more inside of you it is important to center yourself and invigorate your soul.  (*Note I am not actually interchanging the terms soul and spirit here, but that topic is a whole other article.)  So, just how do you do that?  You may be asking, “Just how do I rejuvenate my spirit?” or “Um, how do I connect with my Spirit to begin with?”  This article will give you an overview of different methods which can help you.  In the future, you will find more detailed information on each of these methods at 
            Here are 10 ways to access the infinite energy, possibilities, ideas, and relaxation that is offered to all of us if we know how to open the door.
1.      Yoga
§  You will gain flexibility throughout your body and the more flexible you are physically the more flexible you will become emotionally and spiritually.  Energy will flow more freely through your body.  You will gain muscle tone not only in the obvious muscles that we all seem to enjoy seeing toned, but in your organs as well.  Your lungs will thank you along with your brain and every other organ as you breathe deeper and bring more oxygen into your body.  Yoga also increases the blood flow, which helps flush toxins from the body.
2.      Meditation
§  You do not have to sit in the traditional cross-legged sitting position to meditate.  In fact, yoga is considered a form of meditation by some.  Others find a walk in nature to be a form of meditation.  I have found that when I do meridian tapping that I have a similar sensation as when I meditate.  You are likely to find an increase in your energy levels, an increase in your ability to focus and concentrate, a release of tension in your body and a sense of peace.  Deep breathing during meditation increases the oxygen supply just as yoga does.  It also helps relax you and may lower your heart rate.  You can develop your intuition as you continue to practice meditation and as you begin to uncover the connection to God, the Divine, Spirit, the Universe, or whatever or whoever you want to connect with.  You can spend five minutes a day meditating or you can meditate from dawn to dusk.  It really is up to you and what feels right to you.  There is no right or wrong when it comes to meditation.  If you think you would like guided meditation, check out the guided meditation link below.
3.      Spend time in nature
§  Okay, this is a big one!  Recent studies have shown that over the last 20 years people throughout the world have decreased their time in nature by 25%!  Wow!  The more we spend time in nature and are mindful of ALL that is around us the more appreciative we are, the more energy we feel, and the more we care about what happens to not only the people around us, but the World around us.  By spending 10-20 minutes a day outside, even if you can only take a walk down the street, your mood is far more likely to improve and your health will be better.  Being outside offers you breathing room.  You can always see something new.  It may be a squirrel running from one tree to the next or it may be the clouds in the sky.  If you are living in a busy city, you may have to look for a new weed growing up between the cracks in the sidewalk.  Ah, but appreciate the perseverance of that one little weed J
4.      Altruism – helping others
§  Volunteering your time to help others or making a monetary donation to a good cause or donating some of your clothes to an organization that helps fire victims or...  No matter what it is you do that has altruistic value, helping others can lessen depression within you.  It can help connect you to other people who have similar values as yourself and it can help reduce any negative attitudes you may be experiencing.  The body is a beautiful and wondrous mechanism.  Our bodies create feel good hormones or “joybursts” as I like to call them.  When we do things that are for the good of others (human, animal, or planet) our bodies release these endorphins, which give us little bursts of joy and happiness.
5.      Healthy diet
§  I know, I know.  We are bombarded with how we need to eat better.  But, it really is true.  The more junk food and fast food we eat the unhealthier we become.  I am not going to point my finger and tell you how you must change the way you eat.  I just ask you to think about how so many of us take care of our vehicles and our pets.  We take them in for oil changes and tune-ups.  We get our pets their shots regularly and feed them expensive pet food.  Well, okay not everybody buys the best dog food, not everybody takes good care of his/her car.  The point is that if you don’t put the right kind of fuel in your car, it simply won’t go anywhere anymore.  Think about that the next time you start to eat a big greasy cheeseburger.  I will also say that becoming vegetarian or vegan is not necessary and is most definitely an individual choice.  I am a vegetarian, but it is not for everyone.
6.      Music
§  Ah, one of my most favorite topics and things in the world.  Music pulses through my veins.  Listening to beautiful music – music that reaches in and grabs you can be very moving.  It can inspire you and invigorate you.  Research has been conducted that has shown that music can actually stimulate the brain waves.  It can reduce stress and your breathing and heart rate can change in accordance to the piece you are listening to.  It has even been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce tension.  Personally, if the piece is just right for me at that moment it will give me goose bumps.  That is how I know I need to stop and listen and just feel.  Sometimes a powerful song will bring me to tears – and these are not typically sad tears, but tears of utter joy.  I don’t care if you listen to Bach or Ozzy – it is whatever touches you that is important.
7.      Gratitude
§  Show gratitude for things around you.  Start a gratitude journal.  This is a popular thing being suggested right now, but it is being suggested over and over because it works.   Being thankful for experiences, things you have, people you know, the bed you sleep in, the food you eat, etc. truly can bring you more things to be thankful for.  Put attention and energy into what you are grateful for and more positive things will begin to show up in your daily life.  That is how Divine energy works.
8.      Being present with those around you
§  When you are with your family really be with your family.  Turn off the television and listen to your partner.  Put the iPod and cell phones away during dinner and make a rule there is to be no texting at dinner.  This is a great time to go around the table and have everyone come up with at least one thing he/she was grateful for during the day/week – what made you smile.  The most important thing is to pay attention and focus on who you are with.  You may be hanging out in the family room together, but if one is focused on the football game and his/her fantasy football team during commercials and another is absorbed in an online game and another is buried in a book, there is little to no focus on each other.  I am not saying you should completely give up these things, but be sure to spend time together when you can actually “be present” and pay attention to one another.  It makes a difference for you and for all. 
9.      Being mindful of the language you choose to use
§  This is not about saying, “Damn it.” Or “What the Hell?”  This is about changing from talking negatively to finding the positive.  Let’s say you have spaghetti for dinner and you really don’t like it.  Instead of saying, “Just great!  We are having this again.  I hate spaghetti!” you could say something like, “Spaghetti isn’t my favorite, but I really love the garlic bread.”  When it comes to talking to others you can change your words and your tone.  In years past the salutation “Dear John,” in a letter was common.  Now we often drop the “dear” and if we use it, is there really any feeling behind it?  As I have grown and changed I have found that when I write something to my friends I put feeling behind those words such as, “My dear friend Anthony.”  My partner and I have changed how we speak to each other as well.  When we say “honey” or “sweetheart” we have brought the emotion back and attached it to the words.  The difference is palpable.
10.  Meridian tapping
§  Our bodies have meridian lines.  They actually have free flowing liquid that moves throughout the body.  There are over 500 points that can be used via acupuncture or tapping (no needles) to help release physical tension and distress and emotional distress.  A few major points have been identified that can make a major difference in your life.  To learn more about meridian tapping check out The Tapping Solution link below.  I use it almost every day.  I have been amazed at the healing that has occurred for me.    

Watch for next month’s article as we begin to dig in deeper into each of these areas.  We want to help you find the more inside of you. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Caring for others
Janelle Alex

Are you a caregiver?  Caring for children or elderly parents are obvious examples of being a caregiver, but there are other areas in which you take care of others.  Do you have a partner or spouse, siblings, neighbors, co-workers that need your attention?  Sometimes we overlook just where our energy really goes.  If you have to help tend to someone, your energy reserves can be depleted rather quickly – especially if the needy one is highly demanding, in a state of depression, angry or negative.  Giving to another can also be extremely fulfilling. 
The more that you show love to others and wish for their health and happiness the more you will receive those things.  It may not come from the one you are caring for, but if you are aware, you will see that health and happiness is readily available to you as well.  You must be open to such positive energy though.  If you feel worn-out and drained by the giving and giving, take a good look at your diet, your “you time”, and your exercise.  I, also, strongly believe you should look at your spirituality – your connection to God, the Divine, the Universe, your Energy source or whatever you call it.    
Eating junky, unhealthy food can leave your body begging for certain chemicals and hormones.  Cut out as many refined sugars as you can.  Refined sugar is in cookies, sodas, doughnuts, canned foods, white bread, white pasta, condiments, etc.  Refined sugars can increase the risk of depression, obesity, headaches and more.  It can also reduce one’s immune system.  Try to eat more whole foods (whole grain, natural, fresh, organic, and unprocessed i.e.).  Look for local farmers’ markets as locally raised foods are usually better for you. 
Maintain hydration!  In other words, drink enough water.  How much water do you need every day?  It is suggested now that we drink about half of our weight in ounces.  This means if you weigh 130 lbs., you should drink around 65 oz. each day.  If you are highly physically active, you should consider adding another 8-16 oz.  Our bodies are 60-70% water.  Without replenishing our bodies numerous symptoms are likely to arise from headaches to backache to constipation.  This also puts us at risk for depression and/or a lack in our mental clarity.  If you are steaming vegetables in a pan and the water runs out, they will burn unless you add more water.  If you car runs out of oil, you need to add more or you will blow the engine.  What do you normally do?  Do you burn the vegetables and blow up the engine or do you tend to the vegetables and your car?  Why ignore your body? Why burn it up or cause it to breakdown?
Do you take time for yourself?  Spending even as little as five-ten minutes every day just for yourself can make a huge difference in your life.  Take five minutes to just close your eyes and focus on your breathing.  Find ten minutes to just sit and read a few pages of a good book.  Lay on your back with your legs flat on the floor and your arms (palms up) out to your sides like a “T”.  Close your eyes in this position.  Focus on your breathing and allow yourself to melt into the floor.  You need to time to rejuvenate yourself if you are going to be of any value to others. 
Do you get any exercise?  Maybe you go bicycling, do aerobics, or go swimming regularly.  Or maybe you don’t do any exercise.  Your body needs exercise.  It needs the opportunity to burn off stress.  Exercise is an opportunity for your body to detox itself.  Your muscles need to maintain flexibility and strength.  This is vitally important when it comes to maintaining your health. 
Take a look at your spirituality.  You do not need to go to church to have a connection with the Highest Power.  Taking that five or ten minutes a day for you can help you find that connection.  There are as many paths to that energy and love as there are people.  Caring for those people in your life is actually one link to your spirituality, but you may not realize that.  Try to be more mindful whether it is doing the dishes or listening to the birds as you walk through the park.  Be thankful that you have soap to wash your dishes or even that you have dishes to eat on.  Be thankful you can hear the birds singing. 
Caring for yourself is extremely important.  Take care of you and you will have more strength, stamina and love to care for others.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Looking for More  -Janelle Alex 

            “I know there is more.  There has to be more than what I am doing. I just can’t put my finger on it.”  I thought those thoughts for years and years.  I owned my own business and I truly loved my job, but it still didn’t fulfill me.  I was constantly searching for something else.  I finally vocalized my inner exasperation to others simply stating what I had felt for so long, “I am supposed to be doing more.  This isn’t it.”  I searched in many different places to no avail. Many times over I was told by different people things like, “Why don’t you just do what you are good at?” or “Get a real job and make a good living,” or “You will never be able to make any money doing that.”  I was battered by those around me.  I believe they thought they were helping or perhaps, they simply spoke with no mind to what they were saying, but their words caused me to falter for many years.  I did not push too much to truly find what I was missing. In fact, it took me over twenty years to finally say, “No more.  I have to go after what I need.  I can only give back if I find me.”  

            Now, I didn’t leave my family or shirk my responsibilities, but I found a way to rediscover my authentic self and allow that “me” to be seen by the world. Do you feel that you are missing something?  Are you looking for more than your religion offers?  Or, does religion cause you to withdraw?  Is your life a rat race?  Do you feel the tug – the need for more?  

Religion often carries strict rules.  The interpretation of what scriptures and ancient texts say range from one end of the spectrum to the other.  No one can say absolutely what was meant by the writings.  Take an email today – if you write the words, “I love you,” are you saying you are deeply in love with someone, you love him/her in a maternal way, you love the work he does, you love her as a friend, you love him as a brother, you love her humor, and so on. These three little words do not always mean the same thing.  

Your hectic daily life consumes so much of your time you have no time for yourself.  You cannot find an opportunity to center yourself and connect with the true you.  You rush to work in the morning.  You rush to take little Susie to the dentist and back to school.  You rush to pick up the kids.  You rush over to your mother’s house to make sure she took her medication correctly and ate today.  You rush by the grocery story to grab a quick meal from the deli.  You rush to get the kids’ homework done and get them to bed.  You sit down exhausted to finish work you brought home or maybe you are working on your college degree and have homework.  You hurry to brush your teeth before you fall asleep standing at the sink.  You collapse into bed.  Alarm goes off - time to start it all again.  This may not be your life, but I am sure you could plug in your own rush here and rush there.  

You know there is more to life than this.  You know you need more.  You need a place to center, to calm, to reflect, to expand and to connect with your spirit. You may experience high blood pressure, tense shoulders, stomach problems, relationship problems or a whole host of other emotional or physical issues. Finding your inward oasis can help you recover your true self and heal your mind, body and spirit.  There are times you will suffer through pain and discomfort, but being able to access a sense of serenity and inner joy will help you get through anything they throw at you.

Watch for next month’s article which will be an overview of ways to center yourself, rejuvenate your spirit, and find the more that is inside of you