Friday, July 1, 2011

Life - A Joyful Journey

Life – A Joyful Journey

Life is a journey of the soul.  This journey can be treacherous and full of struggles and strife, but those hurdles are actually lessons and teachers for us.  Therefore, our life journey can be a beautiful experience if only we allow it to be.  We must awaken to this possibility and become aware of the potential of all that we experience in this life. 
            The question for many of us is, “How am I supposed to be happy about the junk that happens to me in my life?”  There is an infinite amount of ways to ask this question, but the underlying thread is the same.  Well, there are a few different ways to do this.  I am not promising that they are easy and will magically happen overnight, but they are quite powerful once you open to them.  I will share one way with you in this short article.
            The most important thing we could ever do in our lives is to have love and compassion for ourselves.  We so often beat ourselves up, degrade ourselves, belittle ourselves, and doubt ourselves.  We think we are not good enough.  We believe we cannot be successful.  We don’t feel worthy.  Once we can find love and compassion for ourselves we can shift those feelings and beliefs.  When we do this we allow ourselves to take off the masks we all wear at times – we allow ourselves to uncover our true selves and be authentic. 
            The only way to truly love others and feel joy in our lives is to first know ourselves and to love who we are.  Picture yourself as a small child who is sad, scared, angry or hurt.  Then imagine yourself being an adult who takes that small child in his/her arms and holds him/her taking away the pain or fear.  Another option is to consider a small animal – a puppy, a kitten - whatever resonates with you and doing the same to make the animal feel safe and secure.  What matters is that you visualize giving love and feeling compassion for that innocent being.  This can help you do the same for yourself. 
            This powerful technique can transform your life.  As you uncover your true self and open your heart you will open your eyes to the joy in your life whether or not it comes disguised as pain and strife.  It is all a lesson, an opportunity for growth and expansion as human beings and as the spiritual beings that we are.    

© 2011 Janelle Alex, Spiritual Coach, Relationship Coach, International Media Host, and Co-founder of Inward Oasis.  

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Interesting Facts About Organic Foods

There is plenty of great information out there about organic foods. The problem though is that not all of it is true. Here are some interesting facts about organic foods that you will find to be very useful. That information can also help you to decide if you want to take advantage of buying such products or not.
It may surprise you to discover that only about 2% of the food in the world is organically grown. That is why you can't always find a huge supply of it locally. That is also part of the reason why they prices are so high for them. Don't let this low percentage fool you though because about $40 million annually is coming in for such food items.

In the United States, the movements of organic foods are very high and many manufacturers are looking into it. This is the area where most of the organic foods are grown. Today about 70% of grocery stores out there offer some form of organic foods. It may surprise you that there is a huge demand for organic cream and yogurt products.

It isn't just the United States though where organic foods are selling well. Other areas include Canada, Italy, and the UK. It is believed that within the next decade you will find some forms of organic foods being grown and distributed throughout every country in the world. Australia has a very large sector of land where organic foods are grown and it is believed that more land will be allocated for that purpose over the next five years.
Many people are surprised though to learn that the biggest country for organic production of foods is Germany. This is due to the fact that they often have problems with their soil and producing foods because of it. Organic methods though do help them to have soil that is very nutritious. In Europe the movement for more organic foods has to do with the conscious choices of society. They don't want to contribute the addition of chemicals to the food they eat or to the environment if there is a better alternative.

The process of converting farm land from conventional methods though to organic methods is very time consuming. This is why it is taking a while for the numbers out there to steadily increase. On average that process takes five years to complete. A farmer can't just wake up on day and say that he has decided to only grow organic products. Unfortunately the process isn't that easy to complete.

At least 70% of people in the United States have purchased or consumed some form of organic food. They don't find there is much of a difference when it comes to the taste of it. One fruit that seems to be sweeter by many reports though is the apple. Organic foods do spoil faster though because they don't have wax or other preservatives on them. They can also be smaller than others due to that growing process not being sped up through chemicals.

Products that are 95% or higher in ratings according to the USDA can get the label to place on their food products as being organic. Most consumers don't bother to look at those labels though so they are buying what they believe are organic foods but they really aren't. Learning this information should make you interested in finding out more about the process for organic food labeling. You want to be confident that what you buy is the real thing. Why pay for foods that you think are organic when they only contain some elements of what will make them so?

Organic food becomes a good choice by more and more people. The Organic Grocer is an online organic food Sydney based retailer. They provide fresh organic fruit and vegetable. They deliver organic food penrith and organic food blue mountains.

Article Source:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spiritual Coaching Now Available

We are now able to offer you
Non-religious coaching.  We are open to all traditions!

Why Spiritual Coaching?
  • You know there is more to life
  • You want to find clarity in your life
  • You are struggling with an issue
  • You want to improve your relationship with your partner
  • You want to (re)connect with your spirituality
  • You need support
  • You need someone to listen from the heart
  • It is time to transform your life

What are some benefits of e-Coaching?
  • Convenience - email on your schedule - no appointment setting
  • Privacy - you can send emails from the privacy of your home
  • The clock isn't ticking when replying - take your time
  • Writing is therapeutic-writing your concerns/questions helps
  • There is no nervousness about talking face-to-face
  • A safe space for you to share your thoughts/feelings
  • Our full attention as we work with you via secure email.
  • Experience personal growth
  • Experience spiritual growth

Spiritual Coaching Agreement
1.  This is not therapy.  It is a coaching session.
2.  You will not be given a diagnosis.
3.  You are at least 18 years of age.
4.  You'll receive guidance to help you gain self-awareness and connect to your Spirit.
5.  If you are feeling suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255). 

Photo from Photoxpress by mdb

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Toxic People

Do you have toxic people in your life?  Do you have people that zap your energy, put down your ideas, just drain you overall?  You should listen to this podcast.

or here

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reiki Energy - Real or Placebo?

Is Reiki energy healing art a legitimate practice? Here we attempt to answer these questions.
Doctors, nurses, researchers and others have evaluated the effectiveness of Reiki therapy in the areas of chronic pain, disability, mobility, daily functioning, sleep problems and reliance upon medication. Psychological symptoms such as stress, panic, fear, anger, depression, anxiety, and inability to relax or cope have been evaluated before and after treatment. Research is on-going in the areas of fibromyalgia, diabetes, AIDS and cancer. So far, all of the conclusions indicate that Reiki and other forms of healing touch therapy are effective complementary therapies with little or no negative side effects.

Is Reiki energy pain relief real?

In 1997, the Hospice of the Valley in Phoenix, Arizona, published the story of Tom. This is just one example of the effectiveness of Reiki energy pain relief. There are many others, but when it comes to pain, no one can argue that the pain from advanced cancer is agonizing. Anything that can make a patient's last days more comfortable is a blessing.

During my time working in a nursing home, I spent many hours with patients who had to choose between agonizing pains or a drug induced stupor. At that time, the power of healing touch or Reiki energy healing therapy was not recognized or accepted. Acting from a desire to help, nurses and hospice workers have taken it upon themselves to learn the healing art and add it to their treatment options.

But back to Tom's story. Tom had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and was only given a short time to live. His symptoms included immobilizing pain and swelling.

After receiving Reiki energy healing therapy from a hospice nurse, he was taught to use Reiki energy. He was taught about establishing his "intent" to use Reiki energy, something that seems very important, in order for Reiki to be effective.

With Reiki and his intent, his quality of life improved. His level of comfort improved. He was able to live "well with his cancer". No one is saying that Reiki "cured" his cancer", but it did relieve his symptoms and the quality of his remaining days was improved.

In cases of advanced cancer, according to the researcher (M. Bullock), the general trends seen with Reiki energy healing therapy include periods of stabilization, relief from pain, anxiety, swelling and a "peaceful and calm passing if death is imminent". The author recommends Reiki energy healing therapy as a valuable compliment to be used by those who work in a hospice environment or are supporting patients in their "end-of-life journey".

Is Reiki energy pain relief just a placebo effect?

Researchers say "no". In the Journal of Complementary Medicine, researchers published the results of a study in which the results and responses of clients were compared to their initial expectations. The theory is that if Reiki energy pain relief were simply a placebo effect, only those patients that expected relief would report success.

In addition researchers measured the level of antibodies in patient's saliva before and after treatment. All of the results were compared to a control group that received no treatment.

Researchers found that the percentage of patients who reported relief of pain was much higher than would normally be expected from a placebo effect. 14% is a common percentage for placebo induced pain relief. 55% was the percentage of clients in the study who reported that Reiki energy pain relief was effective. Positive responses did not appear to be related to the client's initial expectations or beliefs.

In addition, the clients who were treated by the most experienced Reiki practitioners had significantly higher levels of antibodies in their saliva. The researchers concluded that the therapy effectively reduced stress and pain, while improving the body's ability to fight of infection and that the findings were not exclusively a result of the placebo effect.

Is Reiki energy healing art a legitimate practice?

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recognizes Reiki as a form of energy medicine worthy of additional study. Researchers would like to be able to explain "how it works", because there is little question that it "does work" for many people. Although there may still be critics, since there always are, most people in the health care professions have come to accept the legitimacy of Reiki.

It is comparable to chiropractic care and acupuncture, though not as prevalent. Because of the nature of Reiki energy healing art, it can be used by massage therapists, nurses and other care givers. It does not require extensive or expensive instruction. Researchers have suggested it as a complementary technique for various practitioners.

In a recent review (published in the Journal of the New York State Nurses Association) of the available literature on Reiki energy, pain relief is only one topic that was covered. Relaxation, physical healing, reduced emotional distress and a deepened awareness of a spiritual connection have all been attributed to Reiki in case studies and exploratory research. A researcher at the University of Rochester School of Nursing (R. Gallob), who completed the review, described Reiki as easily adaptable to the nursing practice, benefiting both the practitioner and the patient.

However, the benefits of learning and using the Reiki energy healing techniques are not limited to nurses and other healthcare professionals. Anyone can learn the Reiki energy pain relief techniques. Anyone can learn to use Reiki to improve his or her own life and the lives of those they love.

Patsy Hamilton was a health care practitioner for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki, a subject of personal interest. Read more at

Article Source:

Friday, June 10, 2011

African Healing Dance

This is a wonderful clip.  If you visit, you can purchase the DVD for yourself. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Do Miracles Still Happen Today?

Have you ever wondered if miracles still happen today?  You might be surprised.  But first, shouldn’t you ask, “Just what is a miracle anyway?”  There is no way to know if miracles happen in modern society unless you truly know the definition of a miracle.  Perhaps, your definition is different from someone else’s.  This could change the outcome of the original question – “Do miracles occur in the modern world – in the twenty-first century?”    
Most everyone has probably heard the stories, read the stories or been taught the stories of Jesus turning water into wine, walking on water, healing the sick, raising Lazarus and more.  So, do such things happen today? 
Miracles do happen today!  They just might not appear as supernatural as the ones written about in the Bible.  Let me share with you a list of miracles that happen every day.
·         Conception – the creation of new life
·         Giving birth
·         A teenager choosing not to use drugs or alcohol
·         The sun warming the Earth
·         Getting a phone call from a friend just at the right moment
·         A child learning to walk
·         Leaving late because you can’t find you keys and unknowingly missing a terrible accident
·         Finding an extra $20 in your pocket
·         Helping the homeless or less fortunate
·         Someone choosing to turn from his/her addiction and go to rehab
·         A stranger smiling at you for no apparent reason
·         Hearing and then saving a kitten from entrapment
·         The body healing from disease – heart disease, cancer, simple cuts and bruises
·         Being able to connect to one’s spirituality through spiritual practice
There are so many miracles that could be listed here.  This is only a short list to get you thinking about the miracles that happen in your daily life.  Yet, it is important not to just expect them to happen.  You must be open to the miraculous, and you must pay attention - you must be aware.  Numerous miracles happen, but no one pays attention and those miracles, even though they are real, go unnoticed and therefore, are believed not to have happened.
Of course, there are many things that happen in the world that people can spew forth when they want to rebut the occurrence of miracles in modern times:  forest fires, hurricanes, devastating tornadoes, financial loss, health issues, etc. 
Let’s consider these for a moment. They might be considered miracles instead.  A forest fire removes the old and makes room for new growth.  Hurricanes and other natural disasters often bring humanity together, which is the miracle to be found – though the power of nature is a grand miracle too whether or not we like the outcome.  Financial loss may wake people up so that they may become more aware of what is really important.  Physical health issues are signs of emotional and/or spiritual issues that should be dealt with.  Few understand the importance of listening to the body, but the messages the body gives to you are phenomenal miracles if you only learn to listen.      
So, again ask yourself the question, “What is a miracle?”  Your answer just might be a bit different now after reading this.  Keep your eyes and heart open as you move through your daily routine.  You might just be surprised by all the miracles you encounter!
©Janelle Alex 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Akashic Records for June 2011

What energy and experiences can we expect in June of 2011?

This is meant to be a very productive month. There is a strong forward motion that is not like a push or a shove. It is like a steady progression. The energy in the winter and spring has brought challenges. It has also brought a lot of support. This month you will feel that, instead of things going up and down and you trying to keep track of so much change, you will have a clearer sense of the direction that things are moving in.
The challenges in your lives will start to line up so that even if the challenges are still there, they are all going to go in the same direction. You can apply some of the same solutions to different problems. You will see patterns more easily and that will help you find solutions. The potential is that June can feel easier, but that will only be the case if you are willing to work. You keep your eyes open, you keep your hands on the steering wheel, and keep paying attention to and working with what comes up in your life.

If you try to rest in June, you are going to get lost. If you avoid working on your path it will be as if you are on a river and get caught in an eddy -- you will feel like you are being pushed around. June is a time to take pleasure in work. It is a time to take pleasure in getting things done, moving things forward, working with one another to find solutions. That is the overall momentum for the energy in June of 2011.

How can we find the greatest benefit with using the energy this month?

The best way to benefit from this energy is to plan in advance for what you have to work on. At the beginning of the month, take some time to reflect on your year so far. Much has changed. Much has changed in the greater world and much has changed in your individual lives. So much of the change has been fundamental -- the foundations within you have shifted. Paradigms are shifting; the centers of power are shifting. This is true in the world; it is also true for you as an individual.

You might not have really been able to make sense of it or figure out where it is all going to lead, but if you will look back, at the beginning of June, look back on your year so far and make a list of your challenges. What have been the biggest changes in your life? What have been the most confusing or difficult or challenging experiences so far for you? For each of those challenges, then ask yourself, “How do I feel about this? How did I feel about this issue before? How do I feel about it now? What has changed and what needs to change?” Then after doing that, look back and notice that there are some patterns, there are some similar themes in these different challenges.

Even if they are very different parts of your life, you are going to find that they are similar themes. You might have the same emotion about all of them, or you might need to make the same type of change in all of them. Look for the similarities, look for the patterns and then look ahead to June. Think about what your plans are, think about the people you will be seeing this month, the projects or tasks you want to have accomplished. Consider how those patterns can play into your plans. Think ahead to how you can solve some of your problems before you reach them by learning from what has happened so far this year. Maybe your theme is empowerment or speaking up for yourself. Maybe your theme is being a better listener. Maybe your theme is learning to count to ten before you lose your temper. Whatever it is, each of you has something that has been building and it is time to finally learn this and apply it in June. That is the best way that you can really work with this energy.

Other than that process, you do not need to make anything happen this month. So much will be happening already! Just watch for the experiences that come to you. Watch for the people who show up in your life, watch for the problems that show up. They are giving you what you need to move forward. You do not need to make it up, you do not need to search, this is not a time for quiet contemplation, and it is not a time for deep spiritual search. This is time to work on your life and do the best you can with it. Take every step you can with as much integrity as you can muster.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

An amazing book to learn about the chakras!! 
If you want to understand your chakras,
this book is a must have!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Exploring the Chakras

The definition of the word chakra is a spinning vortex of energy. It is a Sanskrit (ancient language) word that means wheel or disk like. Our chakas are energy centers in our bodies that are constantly receiving energy from our surroundings and environment.

Everything that has ever happened to us goes through our chakras as these energy centers send and receive energy.

Chakras are about the size of your fist and when balanced, should be spinning clockwise. It is important that our chakras are balanced as this provides better health and well being on all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Chakras that are not balanced may create problems in many areas of your life. There are exercises and meditations that can help and having energy work can be very beneficial in creating and maintaining this balance. There are 7 major chakras, which correlate to the colors of the rainbow.

First chakra - root chakra and has to do with survival. It relates to insecurities, bladder and nervous disorders, sexual dysfunctions and skin problems.

Second chakra - sacral chakra located below the navel. Examples of dysfunctions would be colitis, PMS, kidney problems ovarian/uterine disorders, emotional issues.

Third chakra - solar plexus. Digestive and weight disorders would be a dysfunction, as well as power issues, gallbladder, fear and self-esteem problems.

Fourth chakra - heart center, is about giving and receiving love, compassion. Dysfunctions would include blood pressure, heart and lung problems, asthma and sleep disorders.

Fifth chakra - throat center, governs all aspects of communication. Problems in this chakra may include the thyroid, jaw, tonsils, or an inability to express oneself.

Sixth chakra - brow center, is also known as the “third eye”, our inner vision. An unbalanced brow chakra may show up as eyesight problems, headaches in the brow, glandular or endocrine issues or hormonal imbalances.

Seventh chakra, located at the crown or top of the head is about our purpose in life. Major depression, problems relating to the pineal gland, learning disorders, headaches and light-headedness are associated with imbalances within the crown chakra.

For more articles, please visit
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Author's Bio:
Sue has always been a proponent of using natural methods whenever possible. So, when the opportunity became available to use natural therapeutic therapies to help individuals achieve a return to wholeness, she pursued this path and became certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner. Sue became involved with Healing Touch in 1998 and received her certification as a Healing Touch practitioner in 2002. She is also a Certified Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner, a Reiki Practitioner, and a Quantum Touch Practitioner. She also uses energy-based therapies for trauma release work with success. When working with Volunteers of America, Sue was able to provide sessions for disaster relief workers as well as members of the National Guard while they were dealing with the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita in La.

She has been a guest speaker for numerous organizations, as well as presenting at state conferences. Sue has written articles on energy work for alternative and complementary newsletters and online publications. She has developed material and has been a trainer for education classes for child care. She has been able to integrate energy based therapies into local hospital’s operating and recovery rooms as well as providing these therapies to newborn babies at a local hospital.

As a volunteer at health fairs and cancer survivor retreats offering energy based therapies, Sue has gained experience in dealing with a variety of health challenges. Sue teaches Care for Self and Subtle Body Energy classes at a local career College and has helped conduct workshops with local hospitals and hospice for caregivers. She is in private practice in Louisiana.

For more information about energy healing, please visit

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Exploring Chakras

Friday, May 27, 2011

What are the Chakras?

Chakras are seven centres of motions of the essential life force (prana). They are part of the subtle energy system and have a vital part to play in healing and health. They are basically subtle energy transformers, and are located on a physical level all along the spinal column and interconnected with the endocrine glands and nervous system.

These seven subtle centres of consciousness can be thought of as locations where the soul links to the material body. Each chakra is related to a specific state of consciousness, and work in harmony with one another.

When the chakra system is working favourably, you experiences vitality, health and the feeling of connectedness of body, mind and spirit.

The word 'chakra' is taken from the Sanskrit word meaning a disc, wheel or circle. They are also seen by clairvoyants (psychics) as rotating, pulsating wheels of different colours.

The chakra energies rhythmically throb through the core of this wheel. They take in prana or life force, disperse it through the nadis to the blood, nervous system, and the endocrine glands.

These centres are always in motion, but the speed at which they rotate depends to some degree upon the state of health of the person. Traditional Indian medicine has made use of the chakras for thousands of years and they are used for analysing a person's state of being: treating disorders on the mental, emotional, and physical levels.

The first Five major chakras are in line with the spine, while the sixth is situated between the eyebrows and the seventh just above the crown of the head. These seven chakras vibrates to the frequency of one of the colours in the colour spectrum and establishes the governing colour of the chakra. The seven chakras starting with the first one are:

(1) The Root Chakra: which is associated with the ovaries and testes, adrenals; the colour red, physical survival, earthly energy.
(2) The Sacral Chakra: which is associated with the ovaries and testes; the colour orange, relationships, creativity, sexuality and fertility.
(3) The Solar Plexus Chakra: which is associated with the adrenals; the colour yellow, personal power, self-esteem, confidence, gut feelings and intuition.
(4)The Heart Chakra: which is associated with the thymus gland, the heart organ; the colour green, emotional power, compassion, love.
(5) The Throat Chakra: which is associated with the thyroid and parathyroid glands; the colour light blue, communication and expression, power of the will.
(6) The Third Eye: which is associated with the Pituitary and pineal glands; the colour indigo, psychic perception, power of the mind.
(7)The Crown Chakra: which is associated with the pineal and pituitary glands; the colour violet or white, the connection with the Divine Source.
Author's Bio: 
About the Author:
Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.
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What Are the Chakras?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Mind" of the Mind-Body-Spirit Approach

Yes, the mind is a terrible thing to waste. When we are overwhelmed and bombarded with information through multiple media outlets, our minds can begin to shut down or ignore really important information. I like to refer this as being "sign blind." Being sign blind can be referring to those 50 roadside billboards you drive by to and from work just as it refers to missing the signs of intuitive and inner wisdom information that can guide us to making better and more appropriate decisions in life.

How do we care for our minds, exactly? There are many ways to care for our mental health. One way most individuals know about it is through discussion with a psychiatrist or counselor, which is an amazing form of support when our lives are reeling out of control or when we've been victim (consciously or subconsciously) of a horrible experience. Psychiatry provides a safe and nurturing environment in which to reflect and ponder life’s lessons through our experience. In most cases psychiatry focuses on the past (what happened and why it might have happened) and understanding the role we might have played in creating the situation or how there was a transference of responsibility from another to us. Another form of care is through exercising. Yoga, meditating, strength training or cardiovascular training can all help with the mental stress we experience. When our bodies are strong and able to handle stress, our minds are easily able to fall in line with the coping of that stress.

I remember when I first started seeing a counselor. She held a doctorate in psychology but was married to the new age approach of past life regression, hypnotherapy and discussion. I sought support due to the corporate position I held. The job and the stress that came along with it were manageable, but I felt I needed a safe place in which to talk through some of the experiences and believed it was unfair to my sister to dump on her every time we saw each other. I couldn’t believe how much personal growth I achieved by having this safe place. Eventually I moved and needed to find a new source of support. It was then I realized that there was nothing necessarily I needed to "fix" or figure out from my past at that time, but I liked having a safe environment to work on what my priorities and focuses for growth might be. This is when I turned to working with a life coach. She was my safe environment as well as the individual who kept me accountable to my goals and desires.

Working with a life coach does not replace working with a counselor or psychiatrist when the need is there, but having that environment in which you can brainstorm, discuss solutions and work towards your goals can certainly support your mental health and unlock your unlimited potential. Coaching can support your setting of goals by ensuring you remain focused on the tasks at hand and keeping out the negative self talk that easily overwhelms us throughout the day.

How is your mental health? Do you have a mental health care plan in place?

Until next time, embrace your inner wisdom.

Author's Bio: 
Karen Kleinwort is a certified professional coach who specializes in life, business and health coaching. Kleinwort also holds a BS in Business Management and an AA in Holistic Health & Fitness Promotion; additionally, she is a Reiki Master and CranioSacral Practitioner. Kleinwort is available for interviews and appearances. You can contact her at or (877) 255-0761.

“Mind” of the Mind-Body-Spirit Approach

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quantum Jumping - Is It Real?

Quantum Jumping is a new visualisation technique that thousands are using to benefit their creativity levels.
So what makes this method of visualising so controversial?

Well, it's about using the mind to tap into parallel dimension and meet your twin self or your doppelgänger.
Quantum Jumping is a fast and effective way to generate ideas for creativity and inspiration for life. Napoleon Hill first talked about this type of vivid visualising in his book Think And Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill spoke about creating a group of invisible counselors.

Hill thought the visualisation to be too controversial to be released and was later edited out of various volumes of the self-development classic.

Well, the new method of visualising meeting your twin self or your counterpart moves into new territory. As a result there's a lot more to take into account. Whether you believe you're actually visiting your twin self or tunnelling into your deep unconscious is irrelevant.

The question is, does it work? And I'm here to tell you that it does.

Not only does it work but the results are remarkable. When you're able to visualise yourself in various scenarios from a third person perspective you're able to take your mind to places it didn't previously imagine. As a result you find yourself coming up with new solutions to problems that've been lingering for a while.
You find yourself with answers because you're able to imagine what you would do if you did know the answer. This is great because it gives you insights that were before inaccessible.

The main premise consists of closing one's eyes and imagining you're visiting another you from a parallel dimension and you're visiting somebody who has something or somebody who's achieved something you want to do. And you ask that person questions, you talk to them and you learn from them.

It's surprisingly refreshing to discover ideas when in this level of meditation and visualisation. It's great to find that you had the answers inside. From my personal view, when using Quantum Jumping I found I was able to gather motivation and inspiration that I didn't have.

In fact, after meditating and visualising like this for a few days I found ideas flowing to me and I was coming up with solutions that I never previously would've thought of.

There's great benefit in meditating and visualising and combining the two is a great advancement. I'd recommend anybody to try this new method of visualisation.

Visit My Quantum Jumping Review Website For More Information.
The Quantum Jumping Scam Rumour Isn't Accurate And I'm Discussing That In More Depth In My Personal Blog.

Article Source:
Photo by Ana de Sousa

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Difference Between Soul and Spirit

There is a difference between the Ego, the Soul and the Spirit. This is Sonia Choquette's view of the difference between Soul and Spirit.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What is the Spiritual Path?

For many years of my life, I thought the spiritual path had something to do with following one of the major world religions or pursuing an Eastern practice. I even thought it had something to do with morality and ethics.

Today my comprehension of the spiritual path has changed completely. Instead of the complexity of any of the disciplines to becoming a good person, I have found that the path is simple. In fact, some of the greatest atheists have followed it better than many theists. An example that comes to mind is the famous British Philosopher Bertrand Russell, who lived an impeccable life of wisdom, compassion, and grace..

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That is the spiritual path. Everything else--all the theology, philosophy, and practices--lead you to that singular ideal.

Physically, do you like to be murdered, wounded, beaten, or raped? Emotionally, do you like to be humiliated, disenfranchised, betrayed, abandoned, disrespected, alienated, and cast aside? Mentally, do you like to be cheated, swindled, lied to, vilified or misinformed?

Of course not. In fact, your whole body just cringes at the thought of such mishap.

Yet, this is what we do to others. If we are truly savage, we abuse others physically. If a little more sophisticated, we abuse others mentally and emotionally.

And in this process we abuse ourselves.

In actuality, there is no enemy, for we are all connected at the collective unconscious, and the misperception that "they" are different from "us" has been the historical cause of most human suffering. Often this abuse is perpetuated from the collective rules referred to as ethics and morality. What is ethical and moral is defined by who is making up the rules.

Yet the bell that tolls for another, also tolls for thee.

Why do we act in a way that injures others?

It is because we feel a deep void inside of us and we lash out like a wounded animal. We relate to the world from the wounds of apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, and pride. By striking out, however, we only deepen our own anguish. Although we are only trying to survive, we achieve only more peril.

A spiritual person, however, comes from a completely different perspective. He or she is motivated by feelings of courage, acceptance, and peace.

What does the spiritual path have to do with good psychology? Everything. A sound mind in a sound body.
Can the spiritual path be defined in an even simpler way? Yes. It can be defined as love.

When you love, love, love--you'll be happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise.

The opposite of grief, misery, and unending travail is the spiritual path. While many disciplines may lead to it, the heart will show you the way. Once we shed our habitual narcissism, then the way to courage, acceptance, and peace becomes possible.

Resource Box
Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What is Spiritual Light?

What is Spiritual Light

By: Terry Swejkoski

Spin a Yin/Yang symbol and what do you see? The natural energy of all that is – the higher-self energy of light over darkness. If that doesn't tell you something, then you are vibrated lower than you may have thought. And in the reality of the bigger picture it's all OK; it simply means you were not aware of the power of light in your life…until now. Each one of us is exactly where we are supposed to be at any given moment on our life journey. How do we know that? Because we are here in that exact moment NOW, what greater proof do you need?

Did you know there are scientific studies which made an attempt to remove light completely, but it is simply impossible to do so? Even under the most optimized conditions there is always a flicker of light that overpowers darkness. If that is the case, what does this say about opposites like light/dark, good/evil and happiness/sadness. Do they really exist, or are they only elements of duality that are needed for the mind/ego to use to manipulate us in an attempt to separate us from the essence of which we really are – pure radiant energy or Spiritual light.

Our natural state of being is meant to be happy and full of life. We were meant to view life from this perspective, not from the crippling effects of negativity, which of course is brought on by the minds manipulation of our nature state. Have you ever had someone tell you to "lighten up," because you are making more out of a situation than what it really is? The stories the mind conceives are meant to deceive you and hold you prisoner to misinterpretations and are cluttered with unnecessary thought. And, the more you think about any given situation, the more you will turn off the radiant light by focusing on what is unreal or fantasy.

The true power of light can be found through meditation, for Silence is to the Soul – what Oxygen is to the Brain! Without oxygen the brain will discontinue functioning and without silence the Soul will be cluttered with unnecessary and confusing thought. Believe it or not, all the answers to any question the mind can conceive are easily found in the silence of meditation. The mind/ego does not want you to be aware of this miraculous truth. The ego would much prefer that you stay its prisoner in darkness, separated from the limitless possibilities of the power of light found in silence.

Author Resource:-> Discover The Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ featuring The Train of Life analogy system for happiness and success. You will learn to produce a Quantum Leap in both Business and Personal success. Visit to learn solutions to everyday challenges that have been holding you back until now.

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Spiritual Enlightenment - Humility, Love & Compassion

You are unique and a miracle of life and in your heart, soul and mind you have the gifts of wisdom, strength and determination, humility love and compassion.

• Humility. Yes we all have the gift of humility; it is a gift from the heart and soul which is often subdued when the ego of our conscious mind overwhelms our understanding of others and their feelings. We must never forget, although each of us in our mind is the centre of the universe, it is only in our minds. The gift of humility recognises we all see ourselves as the centre of our particular universe. We might be the best, the richest, the most powerful, and even get the most accolades for what we are or have done but it doesn't mean we are superior in every way to another. In fact in some way or another every one of us are superior to all others. With humility whatever we say or do, respects the thoughts and feelings of others.

• Love. Yes we all love to be loved and believe it is one of greatest gifts we can receive, but really we are appreciating another's ability to give us their gift of love. We cannot control the love we receive, that is another's gift to give as they wish. Our gift is the ability to give love and the more we give the more we receive. Love is a gift when we give a bit of our hearts and souls to another and it is their response which gives us pleasure. If you don't give love the feelings you receive may be ones of idolisation or even fear masquerading as love. If you want love you must give it and give it from your heart and soul. The ability to give love is dependent on your ability to respond to your heart and soul. Those who have permitted their conscious mind to subdue their soul will find it difficult to give love and the feelings they receive will most probably be feelings masquerading as love.

• Compassion. A gift which comes easily to those who have the gifts of humility and love. Even those with these gifts find it easier to be compassionate when those near and dear are involved, it is always more difficult when it is strangers and impossible or almost impossible if the person requiring compassion has shown little or no compassion to others particularly to yourself, those you hold dear or the helpless. Only saints with absolute humility and love who know what it is like to walk a mile in everybody else's shoes can give this gift of compassion without judgement. Don't confuse forgiveness with compassion; never forget forgiveness assumes the right to pass judgement.

This is the fifth article in a series related to Spiritual Enlightenment, so accept and nurture the gifts of humility, love and compassion. Bye for now. Paul aka Arlen

If you wish to find out more visit where you will find I have selected a range of Inspirational, Fantasy, Historical and Epic, Fictional Spiritual Books together with "Arlen the 20th Century Messenger" the book I was inspired to write and have published

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spiritual Enlightenment - In Your Heart, Soul and Mind

Your future is determined by your ability to make decisions and certainly if you wish to have a life with a sense of purpose and fulfillment these decisions need to come from our hearts souls and minds. Your ability to make holistic decisions can only be achieved if your conscious mind is able to heed and respond to your heart and soul.

Your sub-conscious mind looks after the routine response to keep your physical body operating, whilst your conscious mind reacts to sensory messages and memories both real and inherited to plan and take whatever action it considers necessary to respond to events.

With a constant stream of events the conscious mind is kept busy jumping from one thing to another with rarely an opportunity to consider at any depth the likely consequences of its decisions. With a bit of planning here and action there the conscious mind soon becomes the center and master of all decisions, occasionally if a decision has some impact on others, their needs or likely response are taken into account and is reflected in the decision.

As soon as the feelings and needs of others is taken into account, empathy or heart has entered the decision-making process, making the decision have a better chance of acceptance by others. So decisions which consider wider implications and are heart-felt are not only more acceptable to others they are more likely to have a successful outcome.

Decision making using the conscious mind and a bit of heart-felt consideration has its limitations which can only be enhanced when our souls or spirit come into play. This can only be achieved by consciously taking time out to, "Smell the Roses," or savor whatever we do.

The human soul or spirit is our unspoken connection to each other and our creator; we are barely aware of its presence and as it is not in the least assertive can sit almost dormant with little or no input into our decision-making. However, it is always there and it is up to our conscious mind to stop and contemplate its presence and give it the freedom to play its part in our decision-making process.

So our future is determined by our ability to make decisions and certainly if we wish to have a life with a sense of purpose and fulfillment these decisions need to come from our hearts souls and minds.
This is the third article in a series related to Spiritual Enlightenment, so live life with your hearts, souls and minds.

Bye for now.
Paul aka Arlen

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Spiritual Enlightenment - You Have Wisdom Strength and Determination

* Wisdom. We all have the gift of wisdom, although it's not always clear, particularly when we allow the desires, needs and rationalisation from our conscious mind to determine our actions.

Wisdom lies in our hearts and souls, put there by our spirit as well as our inherited memories and our experiences.

We know it is there by our conscience and our gut feelings. However, the significance of these feelings is in direct relationship to the way they're heeded. Somebody who invariably ignores and overrides them will to a large extent lose the ability to have conscience or gut feelings. Whereas somebody who nurtures them will find their significance enhanced.

As with many things it's a case of use it or lose it.

A wise person will have the habit of first finding the facts, absorbing them, then taking time to see what their conscience or gut feelings are before taking action..

So we all have the gift of wisdom, it is only as good as how we allow it to enter our lives

* Strength. We all have the gift of strength, be it physical, mental or spiritual.

Physical strength is often associated with muscular strength but it also applies to the strength required to withstand the rigours of living in our environment. We need to be able to more than exist but to live comfortably with wide variations in temperature and all the other variables of the environment. To care for this gift we need a sensible lifestyle with exercise, rest and a suitable diet. For without care and attention our gift of physical strength can soon be at risk.

Mental strength is the ability to acquire knowledge and relate it to building a satisfactory life. It is also how we use our knowledge to contend with unexpected events from left field. As well as being able to adapt and be flexible enough to stay mentally strong under adverse conditions.

To care for this gift we need to keep mentally active continually listening, observing and learning.

Spiritual strength is the ability to listen to our hearts and souls, the wisdom from within. It is also the strength from which we form our character and our personality. To care for this gift we need to take time out, to smell the roses to meditate or be quietly introspective.

* Determination. We all decide what we want to happen every decision we make determines our future. However, when our journey meets obstacles, it is determination to overcome or get round these obstacles which enables us to reach our destination. As they say, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

These two are gifts of determination.

This is the fourth article in a series related to Spiritual Enlightenment, so accept and nurture the gifts of wisdom, strength and determination. Bye for now.  Paul aka Arlen
If you wish to find out more visit where you will find I have selected a range of Inspirational, Fantasy, Historical and Epic, Fictional Spiritual Books together with "Arlen the 20th Century Messenger" the book I was inspired to write and have published.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spiritual Enlightenment - You are the Miracle of Life

Yes you, you are not just unique you are a miracle, as are all living things on the planet. The conversion of the minerals, chemicals and all the elements with which this planet is composed into living things capable of reproducing and converting elements into living cells has to be a miracle.

This miracle, conceived by our creator is awe inspiring in its simple solution to the mind numbing complexity which enable living things to evolve and adapt to meet whatever conditions with which they are faced.
We have butterflies with wings delicate and fragile, plants surviving and flourishing from the arctic to the tropics, birds which journey across oceans. We also have the seas and the land with conditions in which an enormous range of living things are sustained and flourish. All of which are individual miracles.

From time to time, this complex balance becomes stressed as various forms of life, compete and adapt to changing physical conditions in an endeavour to ensure survival of their particular species, Some species loose this battle for survival while others adapt and flourish. Imbalances, for whatever reason they occur and often at the expense of those who do not adapt, are eventually rectified

In the past colossal physical events such as large asteroids are believed to have been the catalyst which has created situations where species are unable to adapt and disappear for ever. For the first time ever a species, the human species, by its ability to adapt has been responsible for the demise of many other species.

We, yes every one of us carry some responsibility, are starting to have an impact on the physical nature of our planet. It seems likely unless changes are made in the way we use physical resources there could be major changes to the environment which could threaten many species and those which don't adapt, including our own, are at risk.

Our creator has given the human species and possibly other species the greatest miracle of all, in a spirit which not only gives us the ability to tell right from wrong it also links us all together as well as to our creator. This miracle is a gift, we can let it influence our individual spirits and it's our choice we can recognise it and follow our conscience or ignore it and be willing to accept the consequences.

So as we saviour every moment, we can give thanks to our creator for the miracle which gives us and all around us, life as we know it. Whilst endeavouring to meet the obligations such a gift imposes.
This is the second in a series related to Spiritual Enlightenment, so give thanks for the miracle which gives you life. Bye for now. Paul aka Arlen

If you wish to find out more visit where you will find I have selected a range of Inspirational, Fantasy, Historical and Epic, Fictional Spiritual Books together with "Arlen the 20th Century Messenger" the book I was inspired to write and have published.
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Friday, April 22, 2011

Spiritual Enlightenment - You Are the Unique One

Yes you. Of the myriad of living things which have or will ever inhabit the universe you are unique there never has been or ever will be anything like you. Not only are you unique, you are from your point of view, the centre of the universe. So relish your uniqueness.

Your ancestral heritage has been passed to you through the combined DNA of your parents and their parents before them. However there is more than DNA, there are the memories of events in your parent's lives and again in their parents before them, giving you ancestral memories which influence the way you react to situations you meet as you travel through life. These memories are also a factor in your dreams as your spirit through your subconscious mind seeks to influence the way you respond to events.

A while back my dog Toby a Border Collie, when he was a puppy before training imposed restraints on his reactions, would follow his instincts and try to round up any group he was associated with. When we walked as a small group he would be constantly circling and herding, bringing any laggards back to the main group. Without training, his instinct or inherited memories was to herd and keep together any group he felt responsible for. He would also do the same with my neighbours chicken, much to the excitement of the chickens.

Why and how can you relish your uniqueness? Well, as a first step towards Spiritual Enlightenment you need to be aware of yourself and your relationship to the rest of the universe as well as being aware of your inner feelings, your gut feelings and your connection to your soul and spirit.

The how is quite simple but requires a little self discipline to achieve. As you go about your life take the time to appreciate and relish all you do, don't forget when a moment passes it is gone for ever so every moment is important. We have all heard the expression to smell the roses as we go through life, well start to smell the roses right now.

Appreciate whatever you do savour it, if some one talks to you, listen to them, savour the sound of their voice, look into their eyes and see the sparkle, try your best to empathize with them and for goodness sake don't miss the moment by concentrating on your response, listen and your response will come naturally.
Also as you read be aware and try to understand where the writer is coming from enjoy the words and their meanings, when you write try to visualise who will read your words and try to understand how they influence others.

The same applies to whatever you are doing, eating, looking at something doing a chore don't do it in a blur, just live fully every moment. This is the first in a series related to Spiritual Enlightenment, so savour your life and your uniqueness. Bye for now. Paul aka Arlen

If you wish to find out more visit where you will find I have selected a range of Inspirational, Fantasy, Historical and Epic, Fictional Spiritual Books together with "Arlen the 20th Century Messenger" the book I was inspired to write and have published.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Psychic Healing

Psychic healing has many aspects, but all lead to the training of the psyche to make it stronger. It has many beneficial aspects when it comes to the treatment of terminal and incurable diseases from which it is virtually impossible to recover. Miraculous recovery from such terminal diseases have been observed in certain patients after extensive session of psychic or pranic healing. The methods are different in each process of healing, and all the processes a have differences in the various methods of healing that are followed. Generally meditation, prayer and talk sessions are the main methods that are used in the process of psychic healing. These have been shown to yield significant results in people who are weighed down by the burdens of life, and also among people who are basically trying to survive or recover from a terminal medical condition like cancer.

Psychic healing methods have often been confused with religious methods when it fact the two processes have no relation whatsoever. But, on the other hand, this healing has been equated to spiritual healing. Whether this type of healing actually yields any results or not, is the subject of much debate, discussion and deliberation. Some critics of psychic medicine are of the opinion that the healing is actually due to natural causes, and does not have anything to do with 'psychic healing mumbo jumbo'. But the advocates of this type of healing and in fact all the people who have benefited from the process of psychic healing swear by it.
A number of people have recovered from terminal and incurable disorders as a result of healing and psychic medicine therapy, and this is a well known fact. Psychic healing does have healing powers, and this is a proven fact. The scientific basis of this type of healing is the subject of much debate. A number of people all over the world swear by the powers of this type of healing.

For more information, visit They offer plenty of information about psychics, including finding your psychic abilities.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Eggplant is a kind of common vegetable among us. The nutritional value is very high. Eggplant always plays important roles in preventing various diseases and improving the physical constitution for us. It protects our body like a great guard. The concrete effects will be introduced as follows.

Eggplant contains abundant nutrients, such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral substances. The content of vitamin P is rather high. Vitamin P can effectively decrease the permeability of capillary vessels so as to strengthen the immunity and alleviate the high blood pressure. According to the research, the ability of resisting cancer of eggplant is several times higher than that of other vegetables. The solanine contained in the food can remove the tumor in the digestive system, which can effectively prevent and treat gastric cancer. The diseases like coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis can also be effectively prevented. The abundant vitamin E can decrease the level of cholesterol and defer the aging for the human body. It can also accelerate the metabolism, strengthen the immunity, improve the blood circulation and enhance the activity of skin cells for us.

According to the latest research, eggplant contains a kind of substance called "saponarin" which can accelerate the synthesis of protein and fat, prevent thrombus and enhance the immunity. In addition, the adequate intake of eggplant in daily life can remove the internal heat, promote the blood circulation, stop pain and remove tumidness for us. At the same time, constipation and chronic gastritis can be prevented and alleviated.

People can cook eggplant into various kinds of dishes. The most common cooking way is to fry the vegetable in a moderate amount of oil. At first, people can prepare 250 grams of eggplant and some seasonings like refined salt and monosodium glutamate. Then, people need to clean the vegetable and cut it into pieces. After the oil in the pan become hot, people can fry the food with seasonings. The dish can remove the internal heat and toxins from the human body. Therefore, the patients with hemorrhoids can increase the intake moderately in everyday life.

To sum up, it can be seen that it is beneficial for people to increase the intake of eggplant in daily life so as to strengthen the immunity and improve the physical constitution. The nutrients contained in the food like mineral substances, vitamin P and vitamin E can effectively deal with various problems about the physical health for us.

Alice white green is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. is just a place for you to Look for Chemicals! Our LookChem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business person.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

More on Shamanic Journeys - Beyond Meditation

Throughout history, shamans and other wise men and women of knowledge have possessed the power to journey deep within to tap the universal source of information and wisdom.

Shamans have always known that the answers we seek can be found within. Bypassing the stumbling blocks of the outer, material world, they perfected techniques of accessing higher mind levels to find answers, gain
insights and achieve profound understandings.


The shamanic journey is a technique for accessing higher mind levels to get answers on questions that are important to you, to gain insights and achieve profound understandings. It is a great tool also to use for training the body and mind to enter deep states of total relaxation. At a minimum, you will learn how to release stress and to help heal your total being.


A shamanic journey enables you to enter a meditative type state, but it is not really "meditation" as meditation is understood and used today. Most meditations are limited or ineffective. Common meditation practices require the person to sit or lie still, and when deeper levels of meditation are reached, the person falls asleep or is nearly comatose. Also typical meditation practices can not be used in a dynamic, moving way.
A journey is not an end result, but a bridge to the higher self---a force that is always there to guide us. The objective is to avoid getting stuck on the bridge, as is the case with common meditations. You want to cross this bridge between the sub-conscious mind and the higher mind. Once you do, you need to be active rather than passive. That is, you want to ask for guidance, answers and any help that you deeply desire in your life.


Before beginning a journey, you are advised to focus on a specific question or a subject that you need help with. Your questions can range from the sublime, such as asking what you can do to become enlightened, to the most practical, such as asking about a work related issue.

Have a purpose for your journey. Imagine that you are going to talk to a very old wise man or woman. You will want to be patient, respectful, calm and receptive to everything this wise being has to say.

You can pose your question in one of these ways:

• Will this job offer be a wise decision for me and my family?
• How will the problems in my relationship be resolved?
• How can I make money in an easier and stress-free way that brings me greater happiness?

How A Typical Journey Is Done

Here's a brief description of how a typical shamanic journey is done: When you are first learning to journey, you sit down or preferably lie down in a relaxing space. In the beginning, it is best to close your eyes and have relaxing music in the background to help you focus. You are guided to follow a relaxation process that includes breathing exercises and releasing body tension. You then imagine a place in nature, such as a forest or desert, where you walk down a path until you reach an entrance, such as a cave opening or an arch that is part of the earth. Once you walk through the entrance, you are guided to use all your senses as you enter a deeply relaxed state. As you journey, you pose a question that is important to you. By accessing a higher mind state, you access messages, insights and guidance that you may not access during normal waking states.
It is advisable to follow a step-by-step guide when you are first learning to journey. Once you train your mind to do shamanic journeys, you can journey by yourself at any time and any place, even while you walk.
The shamanic journey is used for communicating with your higher self--with Spirit. It is practiced to retrieve information from the higher realms of the mind. From ancient times, shamans have used the process of journeying to travel within to access answers, insights, guidance and help from the spiritual realm.

To learn how you can start practicing shamanic journeys, visit the link below.
Unlimited Inner offers free audios and resources that will help you discover how to use powerful ancient shamanic wisdom and modern scientific knowledge about the powers of the mind to change your entire life for the better.

To learn more about shamanic journeying and a free bonus e-book on journeying visit

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What is a Shamanic Journey?

The Shamanic Journey is an ancient global practice that has helped many individuals and communities to survive and thrive. This practice is related to, but different from, meditation, and its purpose is as important today as its was in the past. It is a healing and discovery tool with specific steps that are quite simple to learn, and it is mastered with practice over time. There are no special skills needed to journey, it is available to anyone interested in learning this way. During a journey, a part of one's consciousness separates from the physical body and is free to explore non-ordinary reality.

As a journey concludes the part of consciousness that separated from the body to travel, gather information, and undergo healing experiences returns to the body, bringing the energy, memory and teachings of the journey with it. Non-ordinary reality is not usually accessed in our normal waking state because many of us have been trained and educated to consider interaction with these dimensions as simple figments of our imagination and to ignore them. Many of us have also been religiously taught that we are not to go there and that is only the privilege of a selected few who have earned the right to do so.

Non-ordinary reality consists of three dimensions that are distinct from our waking consciousness, or what is known as ordinary reality, and these are termed the Upper World, the Middle World and the Lower World. We tend to be most intellectually familiar with the Upper World as it is also known as heaven or the place of the Divine. It is an ethereal place where angelic spirit allies, spirit teachers, and ancestors who can assist us with spiritual aspects of our lives us reside.

The Middle World is a parallel universe co-existing with our waking consciousness, but our experiences there are not limited by space and time. While Journeying in the Middle World we can visit desired locations, check in on people and situations, and learn more about our world in a whole body, sensory way that is more efficient than intellectual study. We are least familiar with the Lower World. It is a very grounded earthly realm inhabited by teachers, power animals and other spirit allies who embody and share energy that can assist us with our earthly lives.

The benefits that can be gained through practice, mastery and regular use of the shamanic journey include:
physical, mental & spiritual invigoration
increased immune function
access to personal direction & guidance
increased inspiration and creativity
strengthened will forces & encouragement
improved mind body awareness

Sandra Ingerman, a licensed marriage and family therapist and former educational director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies writes "I journey a lot when I am writing or working on a creative project. My helping spirits are a continuing source of inspiration to me while I write. I recommend that you try journeying when you are working on a specific project to ask for a helping spirit who is willing to support you with your project."

Teacher and Shamanic practitioner Sally Joyce writes "When I journey I am accessing a lot more of myself to see, experience and remember the true way of things. It releases me from limiting beliefs and learned concepts so that I can truly get my thinking out of the box. I see images, hear sounds and experience feelings in non-ordinary reality that I never sense in ordinary reality. When I return from my journeys I find myself inspired with new ideas for paintings or solutions to recent challenges." Today Shamanic Techniques are is used in corporate settings, healing environments, hospice settings and many other places and spaces.

Sally Joyce, OCT B.E.S., B.Ed.
Wellness & Empowerment Practitioner
149 St. Clair Street
Chatham, Ontario
N7L 3J4
(519) 360-9276